Every loan has a status. It is a key piece of information in any lending process. But how useful is it?
Let’s take a loan that is “in underwriting”.
- Can you easily derive how much work has already been done?
- Can you easily derive how much work is left?
- Can you easily derive if the loan is on hold for something external to the person it is assigned to?
When a loan is simply marked as “in underwriting” or “in processing,” is it really making progress? In traditional mortgage workflows, a loan status often sits in a single phase for days or weeks, leaving teams in the dark about which specific tasks are completed and which are still lagging. This lack of clarity creates bottlenecks and delays, preventing team members from knowing where to step in and where the real progress is happening.
The truth is, at any given time a loan is in many statuses. Asset, Credit, Income, etc. could all need to be reviewed and up until now, that line of sight is not readily available.
But what if it was?
Charlie changes the game by tracking each item in the loan process independently. Instead of a single “in underwriting” phase, Charlie’s workflow highlights that “Assets are ready for review,” “Income is still in progress,” or “Credit needs final approval.”
This real-time, itemized view gives teams the power to move faster: loan officers see exactly what needs attention, operations teams can identify bottlenecks and prioritize accordingly. This way, you significantly reduce the change for unnecessary waits or missed details.
With Charlie, tasks don’t wait in line. Each item in the loan process can move forward independently, allowing for true parallel processing.
Teams can act immediately on what’s ready, accelerating the entire workflow and keeping loans moving smoothly toward closing.
The mortgage industry is ready for the future and that future is Charlie. It’s time to upgrade to a system where the loan process doesn’t just look active but is actively progressing every step of the way.