How Charlie Simplifies Document Management and Boosts Efficiency

2 min read
Sep 3, 2024 8:49:00 AM

Lenders are constantly juggling multiple tasks, from processing loan applications to ensuring compliance with ever-changing regulations. One of the most time-consuming tasks in this process is reviewing the documentation that comes from various service providers (i.e., credit report, flood determination, compliance validation, fraud checks).


Imagine if you could significantly reduce the time spent staring at documents and focus more on making informed decisions. That’s where Charlie steps in.

The Document Dilemma in Mortgage Lending

Mortgage lenders deal with a vast amount of paperwork daily, much of it coming from third-party vendors. Whether it’s appraisals, title documents, or flood determinations, these documents often come in PDF format, requiring lenders to train their users how to review each artifact to ascertain the key information that the vendor is sharing. This manual process is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, leading to potential delays and compliance risks.


Charlie’s Seamless Data Integration

Enter Charlie, your automated solution for document management. When an integration with a vendor is executed, the vendor returns not just the PDF document but also the underlying data that populates that document. Charlie takes this data and seamlessly integrates it directly into the loan record. This means that every piece of information from the document is now at your fingertips, ready to be used for further processing.


Surfacing Key Information Instantly

One of the most powerful features of Charlie is its ability to surface key information to users instantly. Users can access the most relevant data points at a glance instead of sifting through pages of documents. Continuing the example, if flood insurance is required that information is presented both in the status bar and on the detail screen.


Triggering Actions Automatically

Charlie doesn’t stop at just storing the data. Once those fields are set on the loan, Charlie can automatically trigger activities, assign fees, and/or set conditions based on the specific data points. For instance, if a flood determination indicates that a property required flood insurance, Charlie automatically adds a condition and assigns and activity to the appropriate party (based on purchase vs refinance). This automation helps to eliminate the need for manual data entry and reduces the chances of critical steps being overlooked.


Charlie’s ability to automate data integration and document management is a game-changer for mortgage lenders. By reducing the time spent on manual data entry and document review, Charlie allows you to focus on what truly matters—providing excellent service to your clients and closing loans efficiently.

Say goodbye to document overload and hello to streamlined, error-free operations with Charlie.