Accelerating Loan Origination
In the fast-paced world of mortgage lending, every second counts. Wilqo's innovative approach enables multiple team members to work on different parts of a loan simultaneously, transforming efficiency and collaboration.
If you've ever seen a NASCAR pit stop. Think of how fast they are able to get that car on the road. Do they move fast because 1 person at a time can work on the car? Or is it a beautiful coordination of skilled individuals doing their part in parallel?
Let’s explore two key scenarios where this parallel workflow model shines in the mortgage industry. Stick to the end to a see a live demo of this functionality 😊
- Dual Focus To Get Parts of the Loan Ready for Underwriting Review
Imagine a scenario where two team members, each skilled in gathering borrower documentation, are assigned to a loan. One focuses on verifying assets, such as bank statements and savings accounts, while the other tackles income verification, including pay stubs and employment details.
In traditional systems, this might create bottlenecks as users wait for one task to finish before starting another. Wilqo has set you up so that both tasks can occur in parallel, thanks to its non-linear workflow and atomic activity structure. This reduces delays, so the loan reaches underwriting faster without sacrificing accuracy.
- Reducing Wait Time with Seamless Underwriter and Processor Coordination
Once the assets are ready for underwriter review, an activity is created for an underwriter skillset while the income verification is still in progress. An underwriter can begin their analysis of the asset documents immediately. This proactive workflow ensures that assets are not idle, waiting for every component to be completed before it can be reviewed.
Meanwhile, the processor finalizing income documentation works independently, confident that they’re contributing to the loan's progress without holding up the overall timeline. This concurrent effort reduces the total loan processing time while maintaining compliance and precision.
Why It Matters
Wilqo’s no record-locking architecture is what makes this possible. By allowing simultaneous access and updates, it eliminates the constraints of traditional, linear processes. The result? Your team can close more loans in less time, offering a superior experience for borrowers and staff alike.
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