The Wilqo Way

Wilqo Welcomes John Haring as Head of Compliance: A Q&A on Compliance, Challenges, and the Future of Regulation

Written by Wilqo | Sep 9, 2024 4:44:41 PM

At Wilqo, we believe that compliance is more than just a box to check—it’s a key element in building trust and delivering value to our clients. That’s why we are excited to introduce John Haring, our new Head of Compliance, who brings over 20 years of experience in regulatory compliance and risk management.

In this interview, John shares his thoughts on joining Wilqo, his passion for compliance, the challenges of the role, and his views on where the industry is headed.

Highlights of John’s compliance background includes:

  • Director Product Management, Director of Compliance Enablement for ICE/Ellie Mae’s Encompass (12 years)
  • VP Compliance for Supreme Lending
  • Compliance Manager for Classic Mortgage Solutions
  • MBA & MISMO contributor about compliance matters

Q: Why did you decide to join Wilqo?

John Haring:

I joined Wilqo because of the company’s forward-thinking approach to the mortgage industry. Wilqo is transforming the way lenders operate, making the process more efficient and transparent, all while maintaining strict compliance with regulations. I’ve seen many companies treat compliance as a roadblock, but Wilqo integrates it seamlessly into their technology and operations. That alignment between innovation and compliance was a major draw for me. I wanted to be part of a team that doesn’t just respond to regulatory demands but proactively builds compliance into the DNA of their platform.


Q: What do you love about compliance?

John Haring:

I know it might sound strange to say, but I actually love the complexity of compliance. The regulatory landscape is constantly changing, and I enjoy the challenge of staying ahead of those changes. It’s like solving a puzzle—every regulation has a purpose, and it's our job to figure out how to implement it in a way that doesn’t just satisfy the rules but enhances the business as well while also trying minimize disruption to the process. Good compliance isn’t just about avoiding penalties; it’s about protecting the organization, its clients, and building long-term trust. When done right, it becomes a competitive advantage.


Q: What do you hate about compliance?

John Haring:

[Laughs] I wouldn’t say I hate anything, but compliance does come with its frustrations. One of the toughest parts is dealing with overly complex or vague regulations. Sometimes, the rules are written in a way that leaves a lot of room for interpretation, which can lead to uncertainty. You spend a lot of time trying to predict how regulators will interpret something and ensuring that your strategy is sound. It can feel like you’re always waiting for a moving target to settle. But that's also what keeps it interesting—it forces you to think creatively and strategically.


Q: Where do you see the future of compliance heading?

John Haring:

I think the future of compliance is going to be heavily influenced by technology. We’re already seeing this with automation and AI being used to help monitor and enforce compliance in real-time. The financial industry, in particular, is moving towards more data-driven compliance models, where systems like Wilqo’s Production Optimization Platform, called Charlie, can identify and address potential risks before they become issues.

I also think we’ll see a shift towards more globalized regulatory standards. As markets become more interconnected, there will be a push for regulations that work across borders, which will require businesses to adopt more flexible and scalable compliance systems.

Overall, compliance will become less about policing and more about providing transparency and assurance to all parties involved—from lenders to borrowers to regulators. That’s where I think Wilqo really shines; it’s building a platform that’s not just compliant today but adaptable to the regulatory challenges of tomorrow.


Q: Other than AI, what do you foresee being the next major focus areas for regulators?

John Haring:

While there will continue to be focus on important issues like Fair Lending and data accuracy, I believe there are two other areas that will become major priorities.

First, cyber security. With so much sensitive consumer data being shared digitally, it’s crucial that mortgage originators ensure their technology providers are taking strong measures to protect that information. Safeguarding consumer personal identifiable information (PII) will become an even bigger focus as cyber threats evolve.

Second, the impact of interest rates. As we all hope for rates to come down, that can attract new homebuyers and spark the next refi boom. It’s important to note that even if rates drop, they will likely still be higher than the historically lows many borrowers have. This means lenders will need to be cautious when offering refinance options, ensuring there’s a real benefit to the consumer. Otherwise, they could face scrutiny under UDAP (Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts and Practices) regulations, which focus on protecting consumers from harmful financial practices.


Q: Any final thoughts on what’s next for you and Wilqo?

John Haring:

I’m excited about the future. The team here at Wilqo is incredibly talented, and they’ve already built a platform that’s revolutionizing the mortgage industry. I’m looking forward to contributing to that innovation by ensuring that compliance continues to be a strength, not a hurdle. My goal is to help Wilqo remain a trusted partner for our clients while driving compliance solutions that are as agile and dynamic as the industry we serve.


About Wilqo

Wilqo offers a cloud-native platform that optimizes the mortgage process from end to end, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and full compliance with all regulatory requirements. We’re committed to driving innovation in lending while delivering an exceptional experience for borrowers, lenders, and partners alike.